Chord of the Week 39
Since you can never have too many chords with clusters or at least that are “clustery” here’s another one with consecutive whole steps. You get an interesting sound without have too much […]
Since you can never have too many chords with clusters or at least that are “clustery” here’s another one with consecutive whole steps. You get an interesting sound without have too much […]
Speaking of equal time, why is it that Andrew always calls a chord major first and then says “Oh yeah, and by the way, if you feel like it, maybe […]
Would you believe two chords with open strings? See last week. I realized that I never put any Major 6 chords on COTW. Equal time, ya’ know. Or maybe there […]
Oh yeah, I forgot one chord with open strings. D Maj7 (or B-7). This one has a little of the cluster thing happening, and a nice open fifth on the […]
Here’s a voicing for Maj 7 with the root on top, and all kinds of murky, yet flavorful, stuff (yummy!) lurking beneath the staid exterior. Featuring a half step and a flat […]
This is a classic and cool minor 7 voicing that probably should have appeared on this page long ago. What was I thinking? Or, it’s a classic Major 7 voicing—Eb […]
Lesson Seven • Diminished Scale Tetrachords When last we encountered the Diminished Scale, we isolated four 7th-chord arpeggios that are contained in it. This time out we’ll look at the minor tetrachords (four-note […]
Lesson Six • Diminished Scale Structures The Diminished Scale in Jazz is mostly used as an expression of a dominant chord with b9, #9, #11 and natural 13. The exception […]
Here’s a chord that can be moved around the neck. No open strings. This is also usable as Eb Ma7+4, F13, B7alt, and A-7b5. Maybe even Dsusb9? Not bad. The […]
Note: I wrote this in 2004! I don’t know how these scurrilous accusations about resolution and voice leading come from. But, my fellow carbon-based life forms, you have my fullest […]
Note: I wrote this in 2004! Any notion that last week’s chord and this here chord could be used as a ii-7 V7, and that they do, in fact, voice […]
Lesson Five • Using Triad Arpeggios Last time out, I wrote some triad fragments to get you started playing triad arpeggios. This lesson is about why you might want to […]
If you combine a basic B-7 voicing with the open E you get consecutive whole steps on top. And extra credit. Can you say “Bossa Nova”? I knew you could.
If you left out the open E on top, you’d have a plain old vanilla voicing for F minor. Which might be great on a piece of pie, but we’re […]
Sometimes moving four fingers is just too much work—especially when it’s hot and humid out. If you’re feeling lethargic, take the previous chord and just move two fingers to create […]