Chord of the Week 27
If I didn’t know better, I would swear the previous two chords and this one were resolving around the cycle (up a 4th). Hopefully, when I wake up, it will […]
If I didn’t know better, I would swear the previous two chords and this one were resolving around the cycle (up a 4th). Hopefully, when I wake up, it will […]
Oh yeah, but if you have so much tension for the first chord, how do you follow it with something that’s just as, if not more, interesting? I have absolutely […]
There comes a time in every gig…you’ll know it when you get there…when the music just seems to cry out for some tension and weirdness. If you’re like me, that […]
Another use of open stings to create half steps in the middle of otherwise familiar and common chords. This is a voicing that we typically know as a D9, but […]
Here’s a “Purple Haze” chord that’s even more purple and more hazy than the original. That half step really creates a thick sound. In this case the open strings are […]
This time the open strings are the third and fifth of the C Maj chord, with the half step between the raised fourth and the fifth. It’s kinda’ similar to […]
Evidently they were having a special on open strings down at the Fulton Fish Market. I got these from a guy who told me they fell off the back of […]
MTV wasn’t all over this chord in 1982 or any other year. This has enough half steps in it to last until you get to the next measure. Then you’ll have […]
Check it out dude, six notes. Whooa! One more and you’d have, like, seven. MTV was all over this chord in around 1982 (when they had videos with music, instead […]
Here’s a chord voicing that’s all about the whole steps. It’s actually a variation on one of the basic minor 7 chord forms we all know and love. If you […]
Lesson Four • Picking Adjacent Strings Part Deux Major and minor triad arpeggios can be used to great effect in solos in a variety of ways. They lend themselves to […]
Lesson Three • Picking Adjacent Strings One of the things that hangs people up technically is playing on adjacent strings. It’s much easier to play phrases that contain two notes […]
Lesson Two • Respelling Chords and Scales Part II As discussed in the previous lesson, using one chord voicing for several different chord types reduces the number of voicings one […]
Another chord for a rainy day. Notice that only two notes are different from the previous week’s voicing. This is one of those sus chords that also has the third. […]
Lesson One • Respelling Chords/Scales One way to keep the amount of material that has to be memorized manageable is to learn to use the same thing in different ways. […]